Stretching Routine for Dancers

A stretching routine for dancers helps to prevent injuries and prepare the body for the load. We will tell you in detail about the various benefits of stretching for dancers. And then we offer some effective videos of a stretching routine for dancers.
Plow exercise for your back. Image of dancer stretching
Photo by Elina Fairytale on Pexels

When stretching, pay attention to all muscle groups in your body. Neglecting one muscle can lead to clamp formation and general asymmetry.

Why do dancers need stretching?

  • Stretching is the ability of joints to make movements of the maximum possible amplitude, for this it is necessary to improve the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. The higher the elasticity of muscles and tissues, the greater the amplitude of the movements performed, and vice versa: if the muscles are enslaved, the amplitude will be less.
  • Stretching also plays a huge role in the prevention of various kinds of injuries, reducing the risk of damage to ligaments and muscles. Stretching the back is a good example
  • When a dancer pays attention to stretching, the muscles are easier to bear the load and also recover more quickly.
  • Additional possibilities in choreography: the ability to perform more complex dance elements.
  • The body of the dancer becomes more mobile.
  • The ability to relax the body, cleverly manage it.
  • Learning choreography becomes faster and easier because a flexible body acquires a motor skill.
  • Improve the ability to do moves like the splits.

Grace and plasticity, flexibility, and mobility – all these qualities can be developed by performing the simplest stretching exercises. Let’s get started with the workout!


Remember to warm-up well before stretching!

Full body stretching routines

Stretching routines for splits

Stretching routines for back

Types of stretching:

  • static;
  • slowly;
  • pair;
  • dynamic;
  • ballistic.

Static Stretching involves very slow and smooth exercises, where you need to take a certain pose and hold it for 10-30 seconds. Stretched muscles can be strained periodically or continuously. Actually, this is the classic stretching, from which this type of fitness originates, it is also the most effective for stretching and strengthening muscles.

Slow stretching is good for warming up, it runs at a very slow pace and provides stretching to maximum length.

Pair stretching is performed with a partner who acts as a counter to your stretching.

Dynamic Stretching is slow (by no means sharp) spring movements, at the end of the exercise you have to hold on to the extreme point of stretching for a few seconds.

Ballistic stretching, or, more simply, swing, is an active type of load. With ballistic stretching, it is necessary to do swings with arms and legs, as well as bend and unbend the body with great speed and amplitude. In this type of stretching lengthening of certain muscle groups is short-lived and lasts exactly as long as the swing or bend.

So, Dear dancers, do not neglect stretching to dance better, more amplitude, more plastic!

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